Thursday 31 May 2012

Worth Being a Church Minister?

Worth Being a Church Minister?


Anonymous said...

hahahaha....then why he is still in the church? why he is doing the sermon every sunday? why the Bishop can't send some police force to remove him from church?? you know why? coz Bishop has no power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

these peoples accused bishop of taking money from the jobseeking teachers earlier............. in later date they done it with evidence in the sting operation..... accused bishop mal functioning accounts...... done it with their letters............. accused bishop of looting dioscece when he had taken dioscese from debt to profit...... they looting it indirectly...... very good ..................... where our dioscese is going now we feel ditched in appointing the present executive committee sorry bishop KPK for putting you in such a situation.................... sorry fom the dioscesan members we are not wring the names as we feel so sorry