Sunday 7 October 2012


3 Vicars and 3 laymen suspended for 6 years from CSI North Kerala Diocese.
CSI Moderator has given a written Instruction to Rev. P.K. Mamman (clergy Secretary, CSI  NKD) to cancel the illegal Executive Committee meeting called for on 10-10-2012 and to consult Hon. Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. K.P. Kuruvila and fix the meeting agenda only in consultation with Hon. Bishop and issue 14 days notice.

Lay secretary of CSI NKD is hospitalized due to hyper tension and we request all to  wish his speedy recovery to create troubles in this Diocese with revived vigor!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The God Almighty saved North Kerala Diocese from the clutches of family ruling, goons, illiterates and corruption. Thank you God Almighty.