
Wednesday, 1 June 2016


1st June, 2016

Dear fellow members of CSI,  

We would like to bring to your notice that the working committee of Synod is going to meet on 3.6.2016 after the Bishops Council at Simla. The working committee consists of all Bishops and their stooges (except few). On 16.10.2015, the committee passed resolutions with regard to amendments and bye-laws which disunited the CSI and built a vertical wall between the clergy and laity. These Anti-Church functions of Synod Working Committee according to the whims and fancies of the Episcopacy drove the People of God to approach the law courts for justice.

To escape from the criminal activities and to protect their luxuries lives and Episcopal supremacy in the Church, they planned to convene the working committee meeting again on 3.6.2016 to take over the Church in to their hands, to cripple the rights of the members and continue to loot the properties of the Church in spite of the Hon’ble Warangal Court Order. As per this restraining order, the Moderator, General Secretary and the Treasurer are not the members of any Committee.

Working Committee of Synod is a sub-committee appointed by the Synod Executive Committee which invariably passes Anti-Church Resolutions overthrowing the powers of elected Synod Executive Committee. Without the approval of the Synod Executive Committee, the Resolutions so passed by the working committee are carried out by the Episcopal Leaders and they notify the Resolutions as the “Law of the Church” and impose them on the People of God only for the self gain of the Episcopal Leaders at the cost of God Ordained Unity in the Church of South India.

CSITA is the only Registered body and the CSI is the Unit of the CSITA. The Memorandum of Association of CSITA 3(b) has assigned prime responsibilities to the CSITA such as to aid and further the work of the Church of South India and for that purpose to do and carry out all such matters and things to promote the objects of the Church.

Since the working committee is constantly working against the interest of the Church and her 45 lakhs People of God, the Management Committee of the Church of South India Trust Association has decided not to allow the Working Committee further to function and to indulge in Anti-Church activity, to create a flutter and division in CSI for their personal gain by mocking the very sanctum of Governing Principle of the Church “That they all may be one…”. It is also discussed at large about the Revival of Episcopacy in CSI since Episcopacy one of the partners of the United CSI, tries to disintegrate the Church and to make the Church a subservient and self serving body of Episcopacy.

After lengthy discussion, the Management Committee of the Church of South India Trust Association carried out the following Resolution and decided to publish it through various media:

“The Management Committee of the Church of South India Trust Association Resolved and Dissolved the Synod Working Committee of CSI with effect from 1st June, 2016 in the interest of the United Church CSI, to preserve the unity of the 45 lakhs People of God enshrined and emphasized in the Governing Principal of CSI Constitution and to carry out the responsibility entrusted to the Trust (CSITA) under the Memorandum of Association. Therefore, any Resolution(s) illegally passed by the Synod Working Committee will not be binding on the Members of the Church of South India and the Church of South India Trust Association.

The Committee of Management
Church of South India Trust Association

Tuesday, 26 January 2016



Dear friends,

A complaint was made to the Central Vigilance Commission, New Delhi against CSITA and its directors/members as well as RoC  with regard to the mismanagement and mal-administration of the company and violation of Indian Companies Act by them.

The Office of the RoC which filed more than 50 criminal cases, did not pursue the case matter either on the request of the directors (palm greasing) or the Office of the RoC was not acting in order to do favour to the Company for the reason best known to them. 

The Office of the RoC will always file criminal cases but will not pursue the cases. This modus operandi of the RoC  is only to bury the criminal affairs of the company once for all infavour of the company for the purpose of which is an open secret.

The CVC after scrutinizing the complaint found prima facie in the Complaint and forwarded the complaint to  the Central Vigilance Officer of  the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, New Delhi to take action against the accused persons and the office of RoC.

CVC's letter addressed to me is attached.
Dr.John S. Dorai
General Secretary


Saturday, 23 January 2016


          All Bishops/Power of Attorneys                                                        Chennai
          Church of South India/CSITA                                                    19th January, 2016

          Sub: Power of attorney granted to the Bishops and others by the Ex-Officials of
       the Church of South India Trust Association – Invalid w.e.f. 16th January,
       2016 – Notice of intimation – Reg

This is to inform you that the term of the Ex-Officio officers/Principals who granted power of attorney to the Bishops and others expired on 14th January 2016. They have not been elected to the Office of the Company again for further term of office. Hence they lost the continuity of officiating in the management of the company.

According to Power of Attorney Act, when the Principals of the power of attorney are not in the management of legally elected office of the company, any power already delegated to the agents by them beyond expiry date becomes invalid. Since the ex- principles are not in the management of the company as on 16th January 2016, the power of attorney already granted to Bishops and others automatically became invalid. The ex-officials and the ex-management committee too have lost the power of delegating the power of the company to other Agents. 

          It is also informed that a new Management Committee of the Company has been legally elected to CSITA Management in which the Ex-Officials/Ex-Principals are not in the list of elected members. More over Ex-Officio offices for the Church of South India Trust Association are not approved by the Central Government. Further, according to the Memorandum of Association of the company, no member of the council of management or of the governing body of the Association (Company) shall be appointed to any salaried office. Hence the Ex- Officials being salaried persons cannot come to power or hold any office again in the management of the company.

          Therefore, you are by this Notice informed that the Bishops and other Power Agents shall not use the void Power of Attorney Agreements and carry out any finance and property activities of the respective dioceses further. No sale or lease or mortgage of CSITA properties in their respective diocesan jurisdiction shall take place until a new valid power of attorney is granted to the persons who shall be appointed for such purposes by the authorities who are legally authorized to do so. If you carry out any such finance and property transaction, you are doing at your own risk and you are solely responsible for the consequences and will be liable jointly or severally for all civil and criminal proceedings which may be initiated against those for violation of the provisions of the Power of Attorney Act and other governing Laws.
                                                                                                  (Dr.John S. Dorai)


Thursday, 21 January 2016

No Moderator, Secretary or Treasurer for CSI.

Stay in I.A.15/2016

The Warangal Court in I.A.15/2016 extended the stay upto 5.2.2016. As such there is no Moderator, Secretary and Treasurer for CSI Synod. They can function only through SMS. Amendments and By pass laws and extension of age limit are not in operative.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

An amendment

An appeal to all Laity Associations in the Dioceses

An amendment  for closure of all Laity Associations is proposed

Existing Clause: CSI Constitution Chapter VIII – 5c

The Council shall encourage the formation and functioning within the diocese, of ORGANIZATIONS LIKE LAITY ASSOCIATION, Youth Movement, Women’s Fellowship, Socio-economic institutions, Centres for study and dialogue and Movements for Justice, Peace and ecological concerns.

Proposed amendment

The Council shall encourage the formation and functioning within the diocese, of fellowships like Men’s Fellowship, Youth Fellowship, Women’s Fellowship, Senior Citizen’s Fellowship, Christian Education, and Socio-economic institutions, Centers for study and dialogue and Movements for Justice, Peace and ecological concerns.

It is a direct and daring attack on the Laity by the Moderator & Bishops. who attempt to snatch away the rights and privileges of the laity which are already provided in the CSI Constitution. The General Secretary and the Treasurer of Synod  too joined the group in silencing 'Laity Voice'.

When the Church compulsorily collects subscription from the members for membership, the members have every right to have their own Associations/Unions within the Organization to protect their membership right and their properties vested in CSITA for their benefit. Indian Constitution too provides for formation of such Associations/Unions.

While the provision that “the Council shall encourage the formation and functioning within the diocese, of ORGANIZATIONS LIKE LAITY ASSOCIATIONis still in force, instead of encouraging the functioning, the Krishna Godavari Diocesan Council in which the Moderator is the Bishop, has passed a Resolution to withhold the membership of a person for operating Laity Association in the diocese for the welfare of the worshipping members of the diocese. The affected brave person is said to be sacked since he has raised questions against the Moderator. How a Moderator can morally continue to be a Bishop while nearly six FIRs have been registered against him in the Police Stations including on charges of misbehaving with a Pastor’s wife and how a Bishop can run an Educational Society in the name of Krishna Godavari Diocesan Educational Society using the name of CSI Diocese without approval of the Synod and whether the income derived from the society and foreign donations  received are credited in the Diocesan accounts and  incorporated in the consolidated statement of CSITA. Whether such income is declared before the IT authorities and Registrar of Companies?. Money collected for construction of shopping complex has not been credited to the church account and why unauthorized persons are allowed to indulge in such criminal activities with the knowledge of the Bishop.

Any proposal seeking amendment in the existing provision of the constitution shall be supported by proper and agreeable reasons for the amendment. No reason is put forth that the Laity Associations are Anti-Church or disturbing the peace of the church. Of course, these Associations expose the perpetrators’ corruption and kickbacks received from illegal sale/lease of church lands by land Mafia.  These Associations fight against the immoral activities of Bishops. It is the reason that the Bishops want to pluck the rights and privileges provided in the constitution for laity.

Therefore, all the Office bearers of Laity Associations in the Dioceses are kindly requested to participate in the proposed meeting of People’s Synod on Saturday the 28th March, 2015 at Chennai to discuss and pass a unanimous Resolution against the proposed amendment which shall be sent to all the members of Synod with a request to vote against the “Anti Laity Move by the Synod”.

I request all of our members, Coordinators and  laity association members  in the dioceses to forward this mail to the local Laity Associations/office bearers WITH THEIR COMMENTS on the subject.

Dr. John S. Dorai
General Secretary
CSITA Beneficiaries Association®